Category: Recipes and Food
How We Made Strawberry Jam In 2022
Our canning didn’t go super smoothly in 2021. We finally admitted that we were not going to be able to can on the stove, so…
Learning New Skills – 8 Things We Canned in 2021
Food security and being able to store food without refrigeration is something that is really important to us as we look towards being a little…
Ferment Log August 15th – Pickles, tomatoes and bootch
I’m trying something new: keeping better track of our fermentation experiments, both in digital form (here and Instagram) and in a hard-copy notebook. It’s just…
Love growing tomatoes, but hate eating them raw? Dehydrate them!
Okay, time for a confession: we both really dislike raw tomato. We love salsa, bruschetta, tomato sauce, ketchup, soup, etc… but biting into a raw…
Learning Garaetteok, or The Joy of Our Own Labour
This morning I caught up on some of my YouTube subscriptions from the past few weeks, including this video from Fairyland Cottage which is a…
How to: Easy Oat & Hemp Creamer
We’re over the waste created by buying almond milk, from the waste of the tetra pack, the impact of almond farming, and the expense. We…
Balcony Habaneros: From Seed to Sauce
Back in March 2020 we started the seeds for our balcony garden. We were lucky enough to grab some seeds from the hardware store before…
6 Month Miso
Back in December 2019 we decided to try our hands at making soybean miso. We ordered some koji from Cold Mountain, which is a North…
Kombucha! (Growing SCOBY and First Ferment)
So we finally did it, we finally went full crunchy and started making kombucha. There were several failed attempts at ginger beer and we’ll probably…
Growing Wheatgrass
Our first attempt at growing food in the apartment was wheatgrass, which we started on New Years Day. Wheatgrass was our first choice because: We…