Author: The Techno Hippies
Video: First Project in the New House – Rehabilitating a Neglected Bed and Late Season Planting (Zone 5a)
Last week we finally made the move to the house we bought in early spring. The house buying process was a rollercoaster (that we will…
Establishing our baseline: What spending was like in the city
When T was leaving her big city job in December last year, she had two quick answers as to why she was doing it: She…
Worm Tragedy: Three reasons our vermiculture system failed
We had our first permaculture heart break. Our vermiculture system, which seemed to be doing so well, suffered a total collapse. The failure occurred when…
Mending as Mindfulness – One Way to Limit Doomscrolling
With all the terrible things going on in the world I’ve been trying to make an effort to do less doom-scrolling. I’ve been reading more…
Rural Internet in Ontario – Unexpected Roadblock
We thought we had done a pretty good job considering some of the issues we would come up against when looking for a home in…
New Hobby Alert: Outdoor YouTube Videos
It’s truly winter in Ontario and we’ve been spending as much time outdoors as we can, learning to embrace our new, more northern city. I…
Indoor 3 Bucket Vermiculture in 10 steps (Video)
When we moved in to our new apartment we were pretty bummed out to realize we no longer had the option of using a green…
Settling In To Our New City
Yes, we are alive. We are slowly settling in to our rental apartment in our new colder and snowy city. In a stark contrast to…
First exciting step to reaching our rural dream!
We’re doing it! At the end of the month we will be leaving our tiny apartment in a huge city for a tiny apartment in…
Learning Garaetteok, or The Joy of Our Own Labour
This morning I caught up on some of my YouTube subscriptions from the past few weeks, including this video from Fairyland Cottage which is a…